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Got any plans coming up? Now you do!

The holidays are over and now it is time to relax… or is it? Here are a few events that are going on around town that you can attend that won’t break the bank! The National Western Stock Show is back and it runs from January 11th to t...

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10 healthiest housing markets in America

Those who study the housing market don't usually want to jump the gun and proclaim that things are getting better too quickly. In fact, a lot of people say that there is still another fall in the market on the way. Even though no one can be...

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Photo by Shari Nelson

The Red Front Door- Trend or Symbol?

Over the last couple of years you may have noticed that more and more homeowners are deciding to add a pop of color to their front door. Many people have gone with an array of colors that can span all colors of the rainbow to really make the ho...

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Short Sale vs. Foreclosure

Sometimes real estate terms can be all but easy to understand and when you are in the home buying process you may end up falling in love with a home that is in foreclosure or that is a short sale. You also may be about to face a foreclosure or ...

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Celebrar, Donar y Disfrutar de esta temporada

Las fiestas se acercan, el clima esta más frío, los días son más cortos y muy pronto las calles estarán llenas de luces y guirnaldas. Hay buenos eventos en el área para disfrutar, ahora que la temporada de vacaciones está en pleno apogeo...

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Celebrate, Give and Enjoy this Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us, the weather is getting colder, the days are getting shorter and soon enough the streets will be lined with lights and garland. There are some great events to enjoy around the area now that the holiday season is in full...

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Angel Garcia Rivera Testimonial

Angel Garcia Rivera was a client that was on the verge of losing one of his homes. Below is his testimony about working with the Monica Perez Real Estate Team. We are so happy that we could help him to sell his home. Angel Garcia River Tes...

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Cinco pasos para mantener su casa lista para vender

Si usted está planeando vender su casa usted probablemente está preocupado de mantener la casa limpia en todos momentos. Usted se asegura de que todos los juguetes, la ropa, artículos deportivos, etc. estén guardados. Usted tiene que estar ...

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Angel Garcia Rivera Testimonio

Ángel García Rivera estaba a punto de perder una de sus casas. A continuación se muestra su testimonio sobre su experiencia con Monica Perez y su equipo de bienes raices. Estabamos felices de haber podido ayudar a Ángel a vender su casa. ...

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